How to Apply
We are delighted you are thinking about joining the OA Benson family!
We are a non-selective academy open to pupils of all religious faiths and those of no faith. We don't turn people away! With our award winning inclusive approach to learning, and school life, it won't take long for your family to feel part of our community.
Primary Admissions
If you are a Parent or Carer and wish to apply for a place in Reception at Oasis Academy Benson for the following September, you will need to complete the Common Application Form via the Birmingham City Council website:
Please contact us directly for Nursery admissions.
For information about the application process, oversubscripton criteria, tie break procedures, waiting list, appeals and more, please see our Admissions Arrangements for the academic year you would like to apply for.
Please note that the admissions arrangements for the 2024-2025 school year will follow the current arrangements for Oasis Academy Benson. We are unable to make changes to admissions for 2024-2025 at this stage, as parents are still awaiting placements based on these arrangements. Starting from the 2026-2027 school year, Oasis Academy Benson admissions arrangements will be in place.
We look forward to welcoming you into our family!
Have any questions or want to come pay us a visit?
We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about life at Oasis Academy Benson or the application process to join our family. Similarly we would be more than happy to invite you to come and see the school for yourself.
Details of our open days can be found here.
T: 0121 5534 913.