Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Curriculum Delivery

In the Early Years, children learn through a wide variety of approaches. This includes:

  • Direct adult teaching input
  • Learning through play in a carefully planned environment
  • Learning through peers
  • Learning through scaffolding during play
  • Learning through small groups and focus activities
  • Experiences, trips and visits

Children in the Early Years need a balanced curriculum which includes teaching which has been carefully planned according to their developing needs and interests, as well as allowing plenty of time for spontaneous child-initiated learning.  They need organised, adult-guided learning to bring new ideas and experiences into their lives and for the direct teaching of new skills and concepts. These will deepen or consolidate their learning over time.

Approaching the curriculum – Phonics

Phonics is delivered through Bookwings Phonics, which is an immersive, multi-sensory approach designed to capture children’s interests. This approach is closely linked to the OCL Reading intent, promoting the use of high-quality texts and develop a love of reading.

Approaching the curriculum – Literacy and The Write Stuff

The Write Stuff is used in EYFS to develop children’s vocabulary, talk and writing. Embedding this through the use of the FANTASTIC lenses in Nursery to promote talk and the development of vocabulary in all areas of learning lays a strong foundation for the use of the lenses to form the basis of writing in Reception and beyond. The approach is rooted in early language development, inspiring and introducing new words to children in meaningful ways to enable them to navigate the world.

Approaching the curriculum – Maths

Maths is structured across the Early Years phase to ensure a progression of skills that build from Nursery through to Reception. The approach uses NCETM Numberblocks as the main tool for learning, however it is also influenced by NCETM Mastering Number and White Rose Maths.