Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

A Holistic Approach

To match the 3Cs of the curriculum statement we have some golden threads running throughout the planning and delivering of the primary curriculum planning, both in deliberate rehearsal of key knowledge and concepts to ensure entry to long-term memory, and also to ensure our daily practise holds true to the trust's intent.

This is all underpinned by the Oasis vision, ethos and 9 Habits. 


The 3Cs in the primary curriculum

An integrated approach to Personal Development 

Personal development is fundamental in our organisation as part of our culture and ethos. It is critical that we are constantly exploring who we are and how we are growing and changing to enhance the learning and maximise the potential of the children and young people in our communities.

As a result, PHSCE, careers, contextual safeguarding, SRE, character development, physical and mental well-being, and behaviour are grouped into Personal Development and are interwoven delicately into all areas of the curriculum. Statutory content is thoroughly covered in meaningful context alongside naturally occurring themes for maximum impact. This will include:

  • 9 Habits weekly assemblies
  • Weekly behaviour celebrations
  • Weekly PD lessons
  • Character as a golden thread
  • Thematic PSHCE content
  • Thematic SRE
  • Contextual safeguarding
  • Links to Science, RE and PE
  • Our Behaviour for Learning Policy
  • Annual chunked content

Learning and Technology: A blended approach

As part of our initiative to close the disadvantage gap in learning, we rolled out Oasis Horizons in 2020-2021; every child from Reception to sixth form was given their very own iPad for use at school and at home. These iPad have become part of everyday life here at Oasis as our pupils use them throughout their school day and interact with their teachers through specially chosen teaching and learning apps. You can find out more about Horizons by visiting our 'About Us' section.